Jean-Baptiste Cardineau

Jean-Baptiste Cardineau is a French/American mandolin player and singer songwriter on a mission to reclaim the poly cultural quintessence of traditional acoustic music
I am convinced that Jean-Baptiste Cardineau is the next generation of musicians that will put our city on the map and continue the work that my generation has been engaged in for years.
-M. Large 2021 Former Board Chair of Folk Music Canada
- R. Thomson 2023 Bluegrass Today

Jean-Baptiste Cardineau (he/him) is a Franco-American Nouveau-Traditional musician and singer/songwriter who manifests his musical and lyrical vision via a well-spring of various styles of music on both Mandolin and Guitar. He charms crowds with his sense of humor, folksy aphorisms, storytelling and, most of all, his masterful and seasoned playing. Extracurricularly, JB plays mandolin with Boston-based group The Ruta Beggars.
-Sophie Wellington and Jean-Baptiste Cardineau - Without Further à Deux 2024
-Big Noise Ruta Beggars (Skyline Records Artist) produced by Jim van Cleve forthcoming album 2025
-Jono Townsend - Crooked Creek 2022
-Susan Moretti Fairbrother - Memories 2021
-Shredneck Brothers - Hochelaga Magütt Sessions

Jean-Baptiste Cardineau and Sophie Wellington playing a narrative ballad that’s based off an unaccompanied piece JB heard while performing in the UK's Folk Clubs. This performance has the quiet chill of a good cowboy song told around a late night campfire.
JB performing Orange Blossom Special on the mandolin at 2024 International Bluegrass Music Awards

JB playing mandolin with Skyline Recording artists The Ruta Beggars. JB plays with the Ruta Beggars and is on their fourth studio album Big Noise produced by Jim van Cleve
JB singing French Chanson classic Le Parapluie (Brassens) at Casa del Popolo in Montréal 2024
The Jean-Baptiste Cardineau Show playing in Dripping Springs, Texas
JB and the legendary Frank Wakefield playing Blue Grass Stomp by Father Bill Monroe
Crooked Creek playing one of JB's song at Crossover Festival in Nottingham, England.

Jb's songwritin' demos
Duo project encapsulating an expert and passionate old-time country sound recorded in Boston
Duo project recorded in Montreal with Cedric Boivin and Emilou Johnson

With JB’s teaching practice centered around cultivating the skillets to thrive in ensemble settings, whether it be professionally or around a campfire.
JB has taught workshops and camps of all levels around the world including Crossover Festival, Maine Fiddle Camp, and more. JB is also a private studio teacher via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime and beyond. Email jean.baptiste.cardineau at gmail dot com to book a lesson.

JB is a people person. Please fill out the form below and start a conversation.